
Blame it on the clown

Blame it on the clown. Pandora was press-ganged into working peripherally on a clown show. Not just any birthday-party hack in a red nose, but a real circus clown. Certain people and puppies are deathly afraid of clowns, but our intrepid duo is made of sterner stuff than that. We knew what had to be done.

And Pandora's strategy involved areas in which semimythical coyotes hold a certain small expertise. I looked forward to our collaborative activity, if not the clown act. While not afraid of clowns, I'm not wild about about them, either.

A string of abortive emails later, we realized the clown show, fast approaching, had to be addressed, and we weren't going to be able to pull it all together in time to reach that transitory goal. Pandora went solo with something quick and dirty.

Yet the germ of a much larger idea had been seeded. Mulling it over, we began to feel a certain excitement. We realized our chosen subject had not been researched in any but the most desultory way. It fully merited further, deeper, much more elegant exploration. After the clown show was a wrap, of course.

We have since developed and refined our ideas. They have grown, flowered and become our Ultra Cosmic Top SeKrit research project, a landmark effort with far-reaching - nay, life changing - implications for a significant percentage of Ottawa boulevardiers. Days are early, yet. We're devising working hypotheses. We're examining them from every angle. We're setting up methodologies with which to test them stringently and thoroughly. We're in the field now, scrutinizing our subject through the lens of something much like the scientific method. We're gonna need a lot of caffeinated beverages...


Pandora said...

Coyote, I've been thinking about this. I think I may need a caffeine strategy. If not, my levels will fluctuate wildly, leading to erratic behaviour and systemic breakdown.... Not a pretty prospect!

coyote said...

You're absolutely right, ma'am. We must titrate intake very carefully. The Bean Juice of the Gods is not to be trifled with lightly.

That said, do you mean you you don't want your blood-borne levels to climb too high, or that you you don't want them to run dangerously low...?

Pandora said...

At one time I thought those heavenly little chocolate coated beans were the answer to all my prayers. I went through a phase of attempting to devote myself to green tea. But I keep coming back to that kick start of goodness in the morning, despite the crash that is impending... save me from myself... I think the trick is to keep it fluctuating within a certain range above and below my baseline serenity level. Wouldn't want to give up the highs, and even the lows have their debauched charms.

coyote said...

Even the lows have their debauched charms? Oh, my. You do have unexpected depths...

But you should be, ummm, warned that in this case I may not be the best one to save you from yourself...